IDE Pata Sniffer v1.1

Project goal:
sniff ide bus in studio equipments, to find instability/disk error reason.

  • Tech-tools digital analyzer
  • PC with digivew and gcc compiler (Code::Blocks ide)
  • IDE- techtools adapter or cable.

  • Description:
    This project was done in one ideal-workday. Which means it is eight hours work for me. There was the following task processed: Measuring scenario (hw design), measures, small software development, writing some documents, design decisions to solve the original task.
    ParseRaw v1.1 Software specification:
    Digiview RAW csv export file.
    column#1: delta time,
    column#2: all pins in hex format.
    Data flow:
    ifstream-> CSVRow -> Decoder -> Signals -> Some logic -> IdeState -> Std Output log.

    SIMPLE T-Cable interface.

    Tech-tools digiview pinout sheet
    Schematic in svg, KiCAD files (zip)
    C++ source of ParseRaw commandline tool (zip)
    Several input and output files of ParseRaw tool (2mbyte zip)

    Copyright 2011 by MYND-ideal kft.